Victoria Chick, a Silver City, New Mexico based contemporary figurative artist and 19th/20th century print collector, discusses the plans and goals of the Silver City New Mexico Regional Art Museum Project, on Big Blend Radio.
But that is not all. An art museum also needs to provide a place to view the works protected within its walls. Correct conditions to view, study, and draw inspiration are necessary. In other words, exhibition is another basic purpose for an art museum.
Preservation and exhibition are goals of the Silver City New Mexico Regional Art Museum Project. Begun by artist and art collector Victoria Chick, and encouraged by Silver City art lovers and volunteers, the ultimate goal is to combine preservation and exhibition in a way that can benefit all ages of people within the community and provide another strong reason for visitors to come to Silver City, joining the many outstanding galleries, art festivals, and art events that already make it a southwest magnet for art lovers.
Listen to Big Blend Radio’s “The World of Art” Podcast with Victoria Chick