Drawings & Graphics A Double-minded Man is Unstable in all His WaysJames 1:8, monotype, 15x20, SOLDCensored Catetching and gold gilt, 4x 4½, NFSCooke's Peak Cat Peekingmonotype, 18x24, $275.00Beware of his Dainties for They are Deceitful Meatmonotype, 17x24, Proverbs 23:3, $380.00Rio Grande Chilicats on a Picnicmonotype, 18x20 $320.00Roller Catmonotype, 17x 19, $340.00 unframedThe Paw that Refreshesmonotype, 23 ½ x 19 ½, SOLDA Divided Mind Divertsmonoprint, 20 ½ x 21 ½ , $360.00Crouching Cataquarelle, 18x24, $130.00Pouncing Cataquarelle, 18x24, $130.00Soft Paw Cataquarelle, 18x24, $130.00Censored Cat in Time OutCeramic stain drawing on terracotta clay, 11 5/8" wideBlue Cat Balancinglimited edition poster, 500 in edition, 23 ½ x20, $20.00Listen to Your Consciencegraphite, oilstick, charcoal, 15x19, $180.00Can Opener Callingarchival ink drawing, 2.5x2.5 image 11x14 framed soldCheckling it Outarchival ink drawing, 2.5x3 image 10x12 framedCensored Cat Ignoring Its OwnerCeramic Stain drawing on terracotta clay 13" longCarnival Cat on a Tightwiremonoprint, 10x15 image size 16x21 framedFree to a Good Homedrypoint 6.5x3 image unframedIrritated Catarchival ink drawing 3x4.5 image unframedDoc Jackson’s Polecatdrypoint, 4x4.5 image 11x14 framedStartled Catmonotype 6x6 image 12x12 framedChanged Her Mindarchival ink drawing, 2.5c x3 image 10x12 framed